We recently came across Mihaela Noroc and her project the Atlas of Beauty. She is a 29 years old photographer from Bucharest, Romania. She traveled the world capturing portraits of beautiful women immersed in their cultural context.
Her pictures are amazing. We love how she styles the pictures, the composition, the colors, the textures. The different cultures come through in the clothing, accessories, and adornments in each portrait. She's been criticized for picking her girls using her own "western" filter of beauty choosing slim pretty girls, but no-one can escape their own perspective. Looking at these portraits it's obvious they aren't models, but her pictures really capture the unique beauty of each of these women. There is so much inspiration in her work. Congratulations Mihaela. We hope to see more of your work in the future.
If you want to see more of her project and fund her, here is the link: http://theatlasofbeauty.com/
Victoria Bekerman