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Amber and Beth Bogdewiecz are two sisters that love to dress fashionably while also having fun outdoors. With Amber coming from New York City and Beth coming from Denver, the sisters have newly joined forces in Portland, Oregon to create The Bike Dress - a marriage of fashion and function for the woman who wants to look good comfortably, especially on her bike! The dress will launch in 2018, exclusively on their website We're excited to feature their work and share more about the joyous ride of these independent designers!


Amber and Beth took the time to talk with us and answer some of our questions. 

How did you come up with this idea?

Amber: We both have been bike enthusiasts for years now and have experience with biking for exercise, commuting, and recreational biking. We wanted to create something that spanned all worlds. Beth: We like the idea of The Bike Dress being a fashionable, simple, functional piece for your wardrobe. It's about supporting all different lifestyles as well as different types of women.

What's been your biggest challenge so far?

Beth: It was difficult for the two of us being in two different cities! When we started this project I was living in Denver and Amber was in New York, but now that we are both living in Portland, Oregon we've been able to talk face to face, which has made a huge difference!


What are your backgrounds?

Amber: I have a background in dance and theatre, and Beth has a background in photography and design. B: Our family has always been very creatively driven and we feel that this is such a wonderful way to collaborate using our shared expertise.

Current guilty pleasure?

Amber: For me, it's fancy tea. Now that we're in Portland, we visited Stash Tea and I want to get all of their tea. I drink about 6 cups a day. I also miss David's Tea in NYC. I used to buy their loose-leaf tea by the pound it is so good. B: Whiskey mules and watching too many episodes of Supernatural.

What are you reading, watching and listening to now?

Beth: I'm listening to the podcast Stuff You Should Know with Josh & Chuck and Paper Bird's new self titled album. It reminds me of Denver. A: I'm reading Joan Didion's essays Slouching Toward Bethlehem. I love her writing. Watching? We've been obsessed with Weird Wonders of the World on Netflix - science is incredible, but the bugs give us nightmares.

What is your favorite thing about riding a bike?

Amber: I love that being on the bike is a bit of time to myself before my day begins. It's a great way to fit in a little exercise for those who don't have a ton of time to spend at the gym while still getting where you need to be! B: It's a wonderful way to explore a city, get in a little movement, and always have the best parking spot! Also, my favorite thing in the world is late night bike rides home with my friends - they make for the best conversations.

Where can we find The Bike Dress?

Beth: The Bike Dress (and more!) will be available on our website at We're so excited to share this with everyone!

Anything else?

Amber: We're super excited to help make biking something for everyone to enjoy! B: We'd love to see a world with less drivers and more cyclists. Check us out at!


We want to thank Amber and Beth for letting us feature their story. We think it's a great idea from a couple of great women. Visit the website to learn more. 

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